Sunday, March 23, 2014

Unplug the youngest molars, Women's Taxable Heart Attack And Coma

Jakarta , a heart attack can strike anyone at times unexpected . A woman in Hawaii who previously declared healthy , experienced while wisdom teeth pulled . Now he is in a coma .

Christian Tavares ( 23 years ) , mother of two children fighting a life and death after suffering a heart attack last week . Women who recently gave birth to her second child three months ago is now in a coma , whereas previously otherwise healthy and had no drug allergies .

The officers at the clinic of Dr. John Stover using a defibrillator to make the heart throb Tavares back . Because not much helped , Tavares was flown to Maui , and there was the clerk said the woman unresponsive condition .

Even according to the doctor , Tavarez heart is too weak to undergo any medical treatment . It is not known for sure what causes it , but a health expert who was not involved in this case suspect problems with breathing ." Statistically , usually associated with airway . Perhaps no part of the body goes into the airways, possibly teeth or pieces of cloth , or patient vomiting and meet the entrance to the airway or lungs , " said Orr Danei of Maxillofacial Surgery and Anesthesiology , such as quoted from Dailymail , Monday ( 24/03/2014 ) .Dr. Stover who had 3 dental surgery clinics in Hawaii and had a license to beah plastic , has yet to comment on the case of Tavares . Earlier in the period 2012-2013 , Dr. Stover received two complaints but neither the legal process proceed for lack of evidence .

This year , Tavares case is the second case that makes the patient into a coma while undergoing dental surgery . January, Finley Boyle ( 3 years ) also fell into a coma while undergoing routine dental procedures .American Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons said , serious problems or even death while undergoing a routine procedure enumerated by dentists is very rare , estimated that only 1 out of 365,000 cases . Usually , due to brain injury while under the influence of drugs .

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