Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Inmates Trained Yoga For Drug Addiction Release of

London , narcotics addicts rightly received rehabilitation services , not just thrown in jail . A prison in London realized this need and provide a range of rehabilitation services , including the practice of yoga .
Drug Recovery Unit called Wings is offering a service called holistic therapy . In addition to the practice of yoga , also offered other methods such as acupuncture , deep - tissue massage , and counseling . There is also a relaxation services , to improve therapeutic efficacy .
Was first launched in 2011 in 5 prisons in the UK , these services provide a so-called therapeutic atmosphere that helped the inmates escape from drug dependence .
Down Prison Prison in Banstead , South London is one of the prisons that provide holistic therapy in the form of deep - tissue massage and yoga . While at Holme House Prison in Stockton , given in the form of acupuncture therapy .
Brixton Prison gives ' motivational enhancement therapy ' and creative writing therapy . Like other prisons , jails also provide yoga and acupuncture services .
" I feel happier , more relaxed , healthier , and in phase hdup better than ever , " said one of the prisoners surveyed opinions about holistic therapy service , as quoted by the Daily Mail , Wednesday ( 05/03/2014 ) .
The survey of 1,500 inmates showed that 60 percent of illicit drug use , a month before it was thrown in jail . Of these , 45 percent of whom are drug category A.

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