Sunday, March 23, 2014

Urodynamics, How to Recognize Symptoms of Bladder Problems

Jakarta, the number of cases of urinary incontinence in Indonesia is quite high . Not only in Indonesia , but also in developed countries , such as America .Not easy to diagnose whether a person is suffering from urinary incontinence or not . In addition to a period of up to a factor of symptoms is fairly long , there are still many Indonesian people who think the symptoms of urinary incontinence is something that happens naturally . For example, as ' wetting ' when laughing , in which case it could be one of the early indications of urinary incontinence .

However, the diagnosis of urinary incontinence can not be given arbitrarily . Required long periods of time and the right to verify . So, how best to find out what really happened from a variety of symptoms are there?" Urodynamics is the right tool to examine and evaluate patients who indicated suffering from incontinence , " said Dr. . dr . Imam Budi Santoso , SpOG ( K ) , a specialist uroginekologi , when met at the opening ceremony and press conference Uroginekologi RSIA YPK SELF Clinic held at Graha Mandiri , Jl . Imam Bonjol , Central Jakarta , and was written on Monday ( 03/24/2014 ) .

Dr. Budi revealed that urodynamic can be a tool that is able to provide counseling , patient data information complication rates , patient expectations even answer if there is an indication of disease incontinence ." Urodynamic examination is the examination of the best subspesialistik even to describe the function of the bladder , where the bladder can find the problem is not clear why , " said Dr. Blake.

The same thing is spoken by Dr. Fernandi Moegni , SpOG ( K ) , a specialist in RSIA YPK uroginekologi Mandiri , Jakarta. According to him , urodynamic will help explain to patients about the symptoms of bladder problems , not just incontinence ." Urodynamics can explain the various symptoms of bladder problems , such as symptoms of urinary frequency , urinary incontinence , pain during urination , urinary tract infections to recur , " said Dr. Fernandi .Urodynamics mentioned will not affect the treatment of other clinical procedures . In this urodynamic , the patient will be placed catheter to see the condition of the bladder , whether problematic or not .

Nevertheless, Dr. Budi also admitted that there is a lack of urodynamic this . " The downside was , the patient may feel less comfortable , such as pain due to be installed catheter , maybe even shy . Additionally , the cost of which is not required for the urodynamic cheap . Quite expensive , " said Dr. Blake.

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