Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Not All Dizziness Vertigo, this difference with Headaches

Jakarta , Vertigo is dizziness which led to self or around us was spinning . However, many people mistakenly between vertigo with severe headaches . So what's the difference ?
dr . Alfian F. Hafil , SpTHT - KL ( K ) physicians parts Ear Nose and Throat ( ENT ) RSCM said that different headaches and vertigo lies in the eye movement when the vertigo attack .
" So when these people complain of dizziness , the doctor will examine the eyes , whether or not there is rapid movement in his eyes . If there is , so the possibility of vertigo , " said the doctor who practices in Otolaryngology- Speciality Hospital KL Proclamation , the Jakarta when contacted detikHealth and written on Wednesday ( 05/03/2014 ) .
Meanwhile , Dr. Arie Cahyono , Sp.THT of RS Premier Plastica said that vertigo is usually due to a disturbance in the balance of one's body . Keseimbagan disorder is not to be found in people with ordinary headache .
" The balance disorders arising from whirling dizziness that was , " he said when contacted separately .
One important thing to realize is vertigo merupkan multidisciplinary disease . So one can not directly say he was stricken with vertigo without any diagnosis made ​​by a doctor .
Prof . dr . U.S. firm Ranakusuma , Sp.S ( K ) , a neurologist from the Faculty of medicine - RSCM deartemen neurology confirms that although the characteristics of spinning vertigo is dizziness , but still must be examined by a physician to know the exact cause of the dizziness .
" All who experience severe dizziness should consult a doctor , the new doctor can see if the person is experiencing vertigo or not , " he concluded .

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