Wednesday, March 19, 2014

On Women, Heart Disease Often Wrong Diagnosis Anxiety Disorder

Jakarta , a heart attack can also occur in women . Unfortunately , treatment in women with heart attacks often too late to cause maximal treatment . Why ?
According to a study conducted by researchers at McGill University in Montreal , heart attacks are often misdiagnosed with anxiety disorders are often experienced by women , as quoted by Medindia on Wednesday ( 03/19/2014 ) .
For this study , researchers examined gender -related differences in mortality in women and men as a result of acute coronary heart attacks . They asked 1,123 patients aged 18-55 to fill out the survey after being treated at 24 hospitals in Canada , one hospital in the U.S. , and one hospital in Switzerland .
Female respondents in this study are generally lower income and more likely to develop diabetes , hypertension , and family history of heart disease . They also have high levels of anxiety and depression were higher than men .
Researchers noted the average patient gets instant access electrocardiograms ( ECG ) to check heart rhythm and fibrinolysis to prevent blood clots in women . For female patients on average it took 15 minutes and 28 minutes .
Whereas in men it takes 21 minutes and 36 minutes . The researchers assume the high anxiety in women is a major cause of the difference was . He also said that , early treatment for heart attack is also given to prevent damage to the heart muscle .
" Patients with anxiety that come to the ER with chest pain is not a sign of heart disease are women and the prevalence of acute coronary syndrome is lower among young women than young men , " said study leader , Louise Pilote .
He added that these findings may support the existence of early detection for heart disease if there are women who often feel anxious and pain in the chest . This research has been published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal .

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