Thursday, March 6, 2014

Antibiotics are indiscriminate Drink, Be careful body be fat

Jakarta , not all diseases can be treated with antibiotics . Gratuitous eat will not only make the bacteria resistant , but also have an impact on your weight . Why is that ?
" The more frequently antibiotics , body ache more often . Makin frequently take antibiotics , the risk of getting fatter bigger body , " said Dr. Purnamawati S Pujianto , Spak , MMPed , Concerned Parents advisor Foundation ( YOP ) , in the event Discussions Media ' Bacteria : Friend or Foe ? ' The restaurant Gemoelai , Jl Duluth Harbor V No. 60 , Jakarta , Friday ( 07/03/2014 ) .
This was echoed by Satya Sivaraman , Communication Adviser of REACT ( Action on Antibiotic Resistance ) , According to him, the relationship between antibiotic use and obesity can be seen from the animals on the farm . Some cattle farms inadvertently give livestock antibiotics . Not to treat diseases associated with bacteria , but that cows are getting fatter and increase the selling price .
" It is also linked to obesity in children , as it is too often given antibiotics , " says Satya .
Antibiotics are prescribed to eradicate the bad bacteria that invade the body and cause infection . But eat them too often can damage the balance of good bacteria in the gut permanently . As a result , the body's metabolic system will be compromised and the risk of obesity was even greater.
Antibiotics also can disrupt hormone levels that can make the body feel more hungry . It has been proven by research conducted by scientists from the New York University Langone Medical Center .

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