Sunday, March 9, 2014

Research: Difficult Sleep Related to Brain Size

California , less sleep , less long and less well qualified , has always been associated with health problems . Now , the scientists also relate to brain size . People who tend to have difficulty sleeping brain smaller .
This finding was revealed when scientists make observations on a number of Gulf War veterans . The results showed , in certain parts of the brain size appear smaller on the respondents with sleep disturbances compared to respondents who sleep fine .
"People overlook the importance of sleep . Lot of things that are considered more important than adding a little bit of sleep , " said the researcher , Linda L Chao of the University of California , as quoted from Dailymail , Monday ( 10/03/2014 ) .
Chao said the results of his research will make people dare not ignore the importance of adequate sleep . By using the technology of MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) , Chao found differences in brain size in the frontal lobe gray matter .
Of the 144 veterans surveyed , 40 percent had serious depression problems and 18 percent were diagnosed ( PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ) . Even after these factors are taken into account , the relationship between sleep quality with permanent brain size was observed .
Although the study was conducted with war veterans , Chao believes that the same results will also be observed in the human population in general . He was not sure how they can be interconnected . Each of these can affect each other.
" We know nothing . We do not know which came first , " comments Michael Breus , a clinical psychologist from Arizona who study sleep problems and was not involved in the study .

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