Monday, March 10, 2014

Drinking Urine Can Cure Diabetes? Ah That Myth

Jakarta , not just a medical way , the traditional way too often done to treat diabetes . Various potions and suggestions of alternative treatments tried by diabetic patients in treating the pain . One is the suggestion to drink his own urine .
" No. That's just a myth , " said dr . Sherly Indriani when met at the Workshop fo Journalist and Writing Competition at Oakwood Premier Cozmo held by PT Novo Nordisk Indonesia , Jl . Rim Mega Kuningan , South Jakarta , Tuesday ( 03/11/2014 ) .
dr . Sally does not deny that there are many patients with diabetes Indonesia who believe in it . Though it is a myth . According to dr . Sherly , urine is excreted from the body fluids because it no longer useful to the body , so it should not be taken again . In addition , so far this has not been found research stating that urine can cure diabetes .
" So far there have been no studies that mention it . Then it can not be proven to be true , " said dr . Sherly .
In line with dr . Sally , Prof . Dr. . dr . Achmad Rudijanto , Sp.PD - KEMD , FINASIM , chairman of the Indonesian Society of Endocrinology ( Perkeni ) , which met at the same event said that the traditional herb medicine was actually not very beneficial for diabetics .
" Medicinal herb is actually not necessary . None ( medicinal herb ) who actually treat diabetes effectively , " said Prof . Achmad .
dr . Sally reveals that better diabetic patients have more faith in medical drugs or insulin that have been proven to cope with diabetes . According insulin suggested an ideal therapy for diabetic patients , where it would be better if done from the outset .
Even so , dr . Sally admits that in fact there is no medicine that cured the total diabetes . Because of all this , all kinds of treatment performed merely as a diabetic patient handling only, not as a form of healing .
" What can be done for diabetes is just a control , not cure . Due to so far have not found a drug that successfully cure diabetes , " said dr . Sherly .

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