Sunday, April 6, 2014

Press Smokers Starter, England Plan Selling Cigarettes Without Brand

Jakarta , pictorial warnings about the dangers that can be caused by smoking is one way to reduce the number of new smokers . Still not enough , the UK plans to issue regulations governing the order packs of cigarettes are sold without a brand .

Regulations on the sale of cigarette packs without brand previously been applied by Australia in 2012 . In the land of the kangaroo , cigarettes sold in plain packaging without light green brand , while still include pictorial warnings caused by smoking such as cancer of the mouth and lungs .

Jane Ellison , Junior Minister for Public Health England said that the draft law has been published will be ready end of April 2014. The British government argued that the application of this rule will be ready at least next year , with the goal of improving public health and reducing the number of children of smokers .Cyril Chantler , a senior pediatrician and involved in drafting the bill hope that with this law , the number of new smokers among children will decrease .

" The evidence displayed is limited , however, have indicated that direction ( a decrease in the number of new smokers children ) . And I do not find other evidence that refutes it , " said 74 -year -old pediatrician as quoted from Reuters and written on Monday ( 07/04/2014 ) .

Smoking causes the death of 6 million people per year. WHO says that even that number will increase to 8 million people in 2030 . By adopting this legislation , Britain will be the second country in the world and first in Europe that sell cigarettes in plain packs .

The existence of this bill caused a strong reaction from the tobacco industry in the UK . They reasoned that the sales of the brand of cigarettes without violating their intellectual property rights , copyright infringement and of course limit the sale . Philip Morris as one of the world's largest cigarette industry also issued a statement.

" The government should not rush to process the bill without doing a full assessment as they promised . Wrap cigarette plain does not decrease the number of smokers , did not deter new smokers and lead to a sharp increase in sales of black market cigarettes , " as quoted from Reuters .

1 comment:

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