Thursday, March 13, 2014

Keep rinsing and Dental Health with Oil Oral ?

Jakarta, bedtime, usually everyone is advised to brush his teeth and gargle with mouthwash in order to maintain oral health and teeth. But in India, most people prefer gargling with oil.
This practice has even been done for years in the country because people believe gargling with oil, either sunflower oil or sesame oil and the like, can prevent illness that eats away at the teeth and oral health while eliminating toxins in the body.
Ayurveda claims to gargle with oil for 20 minutes can prevent 30 kinds of diseases at once, by pulling toxins out of the mouth.
Even in a study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, this method can prevent the formation of plaque, tooth decay, whiten teeth, treating gum disorders, alleviates bad breath and bleeding gums, to cope with a dry throat and chapped lips.
It turns out that some members of the modern medical community believe this is true. Even some of them are sure how this also protects a person from rheumatoid arthritis or to get drunk.
"At least this way is not dangerous. And if there is not one single study that proves this method is able to reduce the number of streptococcus bacteria in the mouth," said a Houston dentist, Dr. Wayne Brueggen.
The same thing also expressed by a spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry, Dr. John C. Comisi. Dentists practicing in Ithaca, NY is agreed when gargling with oil can nourish your teeth and mouth.

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