Monday, March 10, 2014

He Makes It Hard to Stop Smokers Still Know Hazardous

Jakarta , cigarette dangers posed to health may already be known by all smokers . Not a few smokers who are aware and want to quit smoking, but find it difficult to do so . Why is that ?
Studies conducted by the Institute universitaire en sante mentale de Montreal and Universite de Montreal , Canada , trying to find answers to these questions . They conducted a study of 30 smokers showed how acute the images associated with the harmful effects of smoking .
The images include an image of lung cancer , throat and mouth cancer , and also images of people dying in the place tiudr . After that , they were also shown pictures that are positive to smoke . The images in the form of a cowboy on a horse smoking , or big bikers who were smoking cigarettes . Average image depicts masculine side of a smoker .
This research was carried out using neuroimaging techniques . The results obtained reveal why smokers quit difficult even already know the dangers of smoking . Nearly 97 percent of smokers feel happy , calm and relaxed when looking at the pictures that were positively associated with smoking . It is caused by a cigarette that trick the brain , so the brain is more stimulated to positive images of smoking than bad consequences thereof .
" Nicotine contained in cigarette trick your brain . Rather than thinking about the health hazards that arise , your brain will be made more sensitive to positive images of smoking . Was the reason why it is difficult to stop even though smokers already know the danger , " said Le - Anh Dinh - Williams , one of the research team , as quoted from Parent Herald , Tuesday ( 11/03/2014 ) .
Stephane Potvin , head of the research team who is also an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Universite de Montreal said that smoking is not only fool the brain so it is more sensitive to positive images of smoking , however, affect the motivation system .
" Our study also found that smoking affects a person's motivational systems in the brain . So they will be more active and motivated to do something if it is smoking , " said Potvin .
70-90 Percent of smokers who stop smoking relapse within a maximum period of one year . According to WHO , almost one-third of the total world population are smokers . In Indonesia , two-thirds of the total population of the male is a smoker . So , when you quit smoking ?

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