Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Without the smoke and smell, Electric Cigarettes For Smokers Alternative

Jakarta , smoke produced by cigarettes do have a negative effect not only on penghisapnya , but also others around him . Besides can cause a person to become a passive smoker , cigarette smoke can also leave stains on your teeth and have a bad odor .
To that end , many smokers are now switching using electric cigarettes . Data owned by the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association said that the electric cigarette sales increased rapidly in the last five years . In 2008 , only 50,000 electric cigarette sales worldwide . But in 2012 , electric cigarette sales rise sharply to 3.5 million sales in the United States alone .
Robert West , professor of health psychology at University College London hoped that the electric cigarette , death due to the effects of tobacco smoke can be reduced . Reported by the BBC , speaking at the E - Cigarette Summit 2013 confirms that millions of people can be saved as a result of electric cigarette .
Professor West made ​​the statement is not without reason . Unlike tobacco cigarettes produce smoke for inhaled products of combustion , the electric cigarette vapor that is inhaled .
" Steam that is inhaled is the result of fluid containing a substance flavorings , propylene glycol ( PG ) , vegetable glycerin ( VG ) and nicotine . Unlike tobacco cigarettes produce smoke of burning tobacco mixed with arsenic , tar , carbon monoxide , and other hazardous materials kimi , " he explained .
Then, if the electric cigarette really safe ? Quoted from the official website , the WHO said that no one has found scientific evidence about the safety of the electric cigarette smoking . In addition because it has not been any research that specifically examines the security of electrical consumption , WHO considers that many of the manufacturers of electric cigarette does not explain in detail what are the ingredients in the cigarette liquid .
In line with the WHO , Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health ( P2PL ) Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama said more research needs to be done about the electric cigarette . This is because the use of electric cigarettes are less popular in Indonesia .
" There are still studied . Evidence on health effects existing but still need to be studied further , " he said when contacted and written on Thursday ( 03/06/2014 ) .
So what do you think ? Is the electric cigarette can be used as a substitute for tobacco cigarettes ? Is it true that electric cigarette can help quitting smoking process ? So what's the difference with the electric cigarette tobacco cigarettes ?  .

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