Monday, March 17, 2014

Rare Case, Woman Couple Equivalent to Spread HIV

Jakarta , A woman in Texas , United States infected with HIV ( Human Imunodeficiency Virus ) of couples like. Both are not injecting drug users . Scientists say such cases are rare .
It said 46 -year -old woman has no other risk factors for contracting HIV . He has 6 months of monogamous relationship with a partner like , which means not changing partners . In the last 10 years , he also did not have sex with the opposite sex .
With a partner , he also did not exchange needles because they do not use drugs . The only risk factor that was found , her partner is HIV positive and do not undergo treatment in the last 2 years .
Sexual transmission of HIV from women to women is fairly rare . But in theory , the possibility of transmitted HIV among women is always there because HIV can also be transmitted through vaginal fluids and menstrual blood .
In this case , the couple reported unsafe sex . Among them exchanging sex - toys , sexual contact during menstruation , and sometimes brutal sex until the bleeding .
" Although rare , HIV transmission can occur among women , " wrote the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) , as quoted by LiveScience , Monday ( 17/03/2014 ) .
CDC recommends discordant couples , regardless of gender and sexual orientation , shall be mutually know their partner 's HIV status and implement safe sex to prevent transmission . Discordant couples means one partner is infected , while the other does not .

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