Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Watchful, Waist Width Increase Risk of Death

Jakarta , if ideal body weight , most people will not give a damn about the waistline . In fact , health is not only influenced by body mass index alone . Recent studies have reported that the width of the waist can increase the risk of death even though the ideal body weight .
Dr. James R. Cerhan of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minnesota , has analyzed 11 different studies involving more than 650,000 adult participants . The participants in the study from January 1986 to December 2000 , aged 20 and 83 years .
The participants were monitored for an average of nine years , and during that time , as many as 78 268 participants died . Published as analysis , researchers found a link between their deaths with a waist size .
Men with a waist circumference of 109 cm ​​or more , have a risk of death 50 % higher than the male robin waist under 89 cm . Being women , they are robin waist more than 94 cm have a risk of death 80 % higher than women who robin waist under 68 cm .
Dr. Tim . Cerhan also found that each increase in waist size by 5 centimeters, the risk of death increased by approximately 7 % in men and 9% in women .
Less pleasant , normal weight will not prevent a person from death risk . Both normal weight and obese , a wider waistline equally increase the risk of death .
" Our main target is to avoid both the high body mass index and waist circumference were wide . Those patients waisted wide , reduce the size through exercise and diet , even a few inches , it would be beneficial essential for good health . " Thus concluded Dr. Cerhan , as quoted by the Huffington Post , Thursday ( 03/20/2014 ) .

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