Sunday, March 23, 2014
Unplug the youngest molars, Women's Taxable Heart Attack And Coma
Jakarta , a heart attack can strike anyone at times unexpected . A woman in Hawaii who previously declared healthy , experienced while wisdom teeth pulled . Now he is in a coma .
Christian Tavares ( 23 years ) , mother of two children fighting a life and death after suffering a heart attack last week . Women who recently gave birth to her second child three months ago is now in a coma , whereas previously otherwise healthy and had no drug allergies .
The officers at the clinic of Dr. John Stover using a defibrillator to make the heart throb Tavares back . Because not much helped , Tavares was flown to Maui , and there was the clerk said the woman unresponsive condition .
Even according to the doctor , Tavarez heart is too weak to undergo any medical treatment . It is not known for sure what causes it , but a health expert who was not involved in this case suspect problems with breathing ." Statistically , usually associated with airway . Perhaps no part of the body goes into the airways, possibly teeth or pieces of cloth , or patient vomiting and meet the entrance to the airway or lungs , " said Orr Danei of Maxillofacial Surgery and Anesthesiology , such as quoted from Dailymail , Monday ( 24/03/2014 ) .Dr. Stover who had 3 dental surgery clinics in Hawaii and had a license to beah plastic , has yet to comment on the case of Tavares . Earlier in the period 2012-2013 , Dr. Stover received two complaints but neither the legal process proceed for lack of evidence .
This year , Tavares case is the second case that makes the patient into a coma while undergoing dental surgery . January, Finley Boyle ( 3 years ) also fell into a coma while undergoing routine dental procedures .American Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons said , serious problems or even death while undergoing a routine procedure enumerated by dentists is very rare , estimated that only 1 out of 365,000 cases . Usually , due to brain injury while under the influence of drugs .
Urodynamics, How to Recognize Symptoms of Bladder Problems
Jakarta, the number of cases of urinary incontinence in Indonesia is quite high . Not only in Indonesia , but also in developed countries , such as America .Not easy to diagnose whether a person is suffering from urinary incontinence or not . In addition to a period of up to a factor of symptoms is fairly long , there are still many Indonesian people who think the symptoms of urinary incontinence is something that happens naturally . For example, as ' wetting ' when laughing , in which case it could be one of the early indications of urinary incontinence .
However, the diagnosis of urinary incontinence can not be given arbitrarily . Required long periods of time and the right to verify . So, how best to find out what really happened from a variety of symptoms are there?" Urodynamics is the right tool to examine and evaluate patients who indicated suffering from incontinence , " said Dr. . dr . Imam Budi Santoso , SpOG ( K ) , a specialist uroginekologi , when met at the opening ceremony and press conference Uroginekologi RSIA YPK SELF Clinic held at Graha Mandiri , Jl . Imam Bonjol , Central Jakarta , and was written on Monday ( 03/24/2014 ) .
Dr. Budi revealed that urodynamic can be a tool that is able to provide counseling , patient data information complication rates , patient expectations even answer if there is an indication of disease incontinence ." Urodynamic examination is the examination of the best subspesialistik even to describe the function of the bladder , where the bladder can find the problem is not clear why , " said Dr. Blake.
The same thing is spoken by Dr. Fernandi Moegni , SpOG ( K ) , a specialist in RSIA YPK uroginekologi Mandiri , Jakarta. According to him , urodynamic will help explain to patients about the symptoms of bladder problems , not just incontinence ." Urodynamics can explain the various symptoms of bladder problems , such as symptoms of urinary frequency , urinary incontinence , pain during urination , urinary tract infections to recur , " said Dr. Fernandi .Urodynamics mentioned will not affect the treatment of other clinical procedures . In this urodynamic , the patient will be placed catheter to see the condition of the bladder , whether problematic or not .
Nevertheless, Dr. Budi also admitted that there is a lack of urodynamic this . " The downside was , the patient may feel less comfortable , such as pain due to be installed catheter , maybe even shy . Additionally , the cost of which is not required for the urodynamic cheap . Quite expensive , " said Dr. Blake.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Watchful, Waist Width Increase Risk of Death
Jakarta , if ideal body weight , most people will not give a damn about the waistline . In fact , health is not only influenced by body mass index alone . Recent studies have reported that the width of the waist can increase the risk of death even though the ideal body weight .
Dr. James R. Cerhan of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minnesota , has analyzed 11 different studies involving more than 650,000 adult participants . The participants in the study from January 1986 to December 2000 , aged 20 and 83 years .
The participants were monitored for an average of nine years , and during that time , as many as 78 268 participants died . Published as analysis , researchers found a link between their deaths with a waist size .
Men with a waist circumference of 109 cm or more , have a risk of death 50 % higher than the male robin waist under 89 cm . Being women , they are robin waist more than 94 cm have a risk of death 80 % higher than women who robin waist under 68 cm .
Dr. Tim . Cerhan also found that each increase in waist size by 5 centimeters, the risk of death increased by approximately 7 % in men and 9% in women .
Less pleasant , normal weight will not prevent a person from death risk . Both normal weight and obese , a wider waistline equally increase the risk of death .
" Our main target is to avoid both the high body mass index and waist circumference were wide . Those patients waisted wide , reduce the size through exercise and diet , even a few inches , it would be beneficial essential for good health . " Thus concluded Dr. Cerhan , as quoted by the Huffington Post , Thursday ( 03/20/2014 ) .
Which is the right Slim Body, Eat Before or After Running?
Jakarta , As one type of exercise that can help maintain a healthy body , ran into many people's favorite activities . Well , if the main purpose of running is to lose weight , then it should be when the right time to eat ?
Quoted from , Thursday ( 03/20/2014 ) , things you need to know first is to understand the type of fuel your body uses during exercise , whether carbohydrate , fat or protein . According to Emily Brown , a former professional runner once nutritionists , this depends on the intensity of exercise .
For low-intensity exercise or run in a slow tempo , the main fuel source is fat . While high -intensity exercise or run in a faster tempo and rhythmic , will use more carbohydrates as fuel .
Do not eat before a run affects the type of fuel you use during exercise . " If carbohydrates are not available because of not eating before running , the body will use a higher amount of body fat as fuel , " said Brown .
Even so , it does not mean you will burn more total calories . In fact it can be said you will burn fewer calories because you may not be able to run as far or as fast as if you have already eaten before.
For the novice runner , Brown suggest you to first determine what type of intake right before the run . You are encouraged to consume food choices like bananas , yogurt , peanut butter , oatmeal , and wheat .
" You can burn more calories by running faster or farther . , You can burn more calories by challenging myself in different ways . Instance running on the ground or running uphill intervals varying tempo , " said Brown .
Relationship Between TB with HIV-AIDS
Jakarta , TB or Tuberculosis is a disease that infects the respiratory tract and lungs . Common symptoms encountered in TB include severe cough , fever and weight loss continuously. Then , what is the relationship between TB and HIV - AIDS ?
The WHO report says 8.6 million people contracted TB in 2012 , with 1.3 million of them died . The report said that 320,000 of the 1.3 million people with tuberculosis who die are those with HIV - AIDS ( PLWHA ) .
Meanwhile in Indonesia , there are 460,000 new cases of TB occur each year , and 3 percent of whom are also HIV positive. Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health ( P2PL ) Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama said that the relationship between HIV and TB originated from Latent TB .
Latent TB or latent TB is a condition in which a person has the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes tuberculosis in the body , but the bacteria are inactive or asleep . So they do not feel pain in the respiratory tract or lungs like tuberculosis sufferers .
As is well known in general , HIV is a virus that attacks the human immune system . If people with latent TB infected with HIV , the bacteria that had been asleep or awake and active to passive attack the body due to a weakened immune system .
" So he ( TB Lltent ) initially fresh healthy fit . However get HIV , weakened immune systems , TB bacteria had finished active again , " said Prof. Tjandra after the event 2nd Stop TB Partnership Forum South East Asia , Western Pacific and the Eastern Mediterranean in Hotel Sultan , Jl Gatot Subroto , South Jakarta , Thursday ( 03/20/2014 ) .
The WHO report states that one-third of the total population in the world is Latent TB . To that end , Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi appealed to the public to always run a Clean and Healthy Behaviors ( PHBs ) .
" With PHBs , many diseases can be prevented , including TB and HIV - AIDS . Do not forget to take medication correctly and regularly , " he concluded .
TB germs Also Can Attack Heart, Brain and Kidney, How to Prevent It?
Jakarta , Tuberculosis ( TB ) is an infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus . Germs are out through droplets can be inhaled by the patient and those around him . Not just a ' nested ' in the lungs , TB bacteria can also invade other organs such as the heart , brain and kidneys .
"The first time you log in , it 's got the body immune system yes , so germs - bacteria were eaten up by the cells. Lose it actually makes the cells die , then the bacteria enter the lung tissue and make a nest , " said Dr. M. Arifin Nawas , SPP ( K ) , MARS , Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Association of Physicians Pulmonary Indonesia ( PDPI ) , in a press conference held at Hotel Akmani , Jl KH Wahid Hasyim , Jakarta , Thursday ( 03/20/2014 ) .
Followed by Dr. Arifin , so initially the TB germs lodged into the lungs and then they can spread through the blood vessels into body parts . In addition through the blood vessels , the TB germs can also spread to the lymph nodes through , which is referred to as TB gland .
According to Dr. Arifin , but to attack and be pulmonary TB , TB bacteria can also invade other organs such as the heart , kidneys , and liver . Among the several parts of the body , only two are ' safe ' from the germ attacks , the teeth and hair .
Can not be predicted with certainty what makes the germs spread to certain parts of the body . Only Dr. Arifin said that the defense of a strong immune system is key to preventing TB germ -free ' walk around ' and attack .
" TB germs are unique , once entered into the body then he will not come out . He also is a multisystem , so can invade other organs . All depends endurance. If good , so it does not hurt , " said Dr. Arifin to detikHealth .
Here's the Best Sleeping Positions For Not Back Pain At Build
Jakarta , Getting a good night's sleep is essential for health , but not many people realize it . One thing to note is the position of the body during sleep . Instead of fresh and powerful , your body may be painful when any sleeping position .
Was supposed to be a time to break that makes the body become more fresh and relaxed . Instead of making the body feel more preferably , one position during sleep can actually cause the body to become stiff , pain in the back or waist .
Back pain that occurs during waking may occur due to misalignment of the spine . Most people do not have perfect posture . Plus activities throughout the day that tightens muscles of the back , resulting in pain during sleep .
For example , sitting all day can result in hip muscles tighten , causing curvature of the spine around the lower back . Bending can cause the muscles in the shoulder tightened , resulting in pain in the upper back .
Here are a couple of sleeping position back support and can fix back problems , as quoted from Onlymyhealth , Thursday ( 03/20/2014 ) :
1 . tilted position
This is the best position for people who suffer from back pain . Lie sideways , with legs bent . Place one or two pillows between your knees , and arms relaxed in front . This position keeping the spine in a natural curved position .
2 . sleep on their backs
When experiencing back pain , you should try to sleep with your back in a neutral position or not much curved , but not too flat , as it will put pressure on the spine .
When sleeping on your back , use a thin pillow , or even a folded towel , not a pile of pillows that are looked up . This is to reduce the strain on the neck . Then , place another pillow under the knee , to ease some of the strain on the lower back . Put a pillow under your knees to maintain the normal curve of lower back .
3 . sleeping face down
When experiencing back pain , it will be difficult to sleep facedown . But try this position when you feel uncomfortable in any other way . If you prefer to sleep on your stomach , place a thin pillow under the hips to reduce pressure on the spine .
On Women, Heart Disease Often Wrong Diagnosis Anxiety Disorder
Jakarta , a heart attack can also occur in women . Unfortunately , treatment in women with heart attacks often too late to cause maximal treatment . Why ?
According to a study conducted by researchers at McGill University in Montreal , heart attacks are often misdiagnosed with anxiety disorders are often experienced by women , as quoted by Medindia on Wednesday ( 03/19/2014 ) .
For this study , researchers examined gender -related differences in mortality in women and men as a result of acute coronary heart attacks . They asked 1,123 patients aged 18-55 to fill out the survey after being treated at 24 hospitals in Canada , one hospital in the U.S. , and one hospital in Switzerland .
Female respondents in this study are generally lower income and more likely to develop diabetes , hypertension , and family history of heart disease . They also have high levels of anxiety and depression were higher than men .
Researchers noted the average patient gets instant access electrocardiograms ( ECG ) to check heart rhythm and fibrinolysis to prevent blood clots in women . For female patients on average it took 15 minutes and 28 minutes .
Whereas in men it takes 21 minutes and 36 minutes . The researchers assume the high anxiety in women is a major cause of the difference was . He also said that , early treatment for heart attack is also given to prevent damage to the heart muscle .
" Patients with anxiety that come to the ER with chest pain is not a sign of heart disease are women and the prevalence of acute coronary syndrome is lower among young women than young men , " said study leader , Louise Pilote .
He added that these findings may support the existence of early detection for heart disease if there are women who often feel anxious and pain in the chest . This research has been published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal .
Children Can Also with Chronic Kidney Pain
Jakarta - Chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) occurs when kidney function decline that occurred more than three months . As the name implies , the disease occurs chronic meaning slowly and may not return to normal . CKD is common for elderly people because the older a person , the more his kidney function decline .
Nevertheless, according to the consulting physician Parlindungan Siregar renal hypertension , kidney disease can also occur in children . However , the cause of chronic decline in renal function in children is not the same as in adults .
If the adults are affected by the decline in renal function physiology . While in children , the anatomy or structure of organs that influence was . Anatomical abnormalities in children as a function of the valve does not normally lead to damage to the kidneys ureters .
" Ureteral valve function is to prevent reflux of urine or behind it issued to the kidneys . Nah , if it is not functioning properly , then most of the urine will return to the kidney , " said Parlindungan in a healthcare discussion in Jakarta some time ago .
He explained that the kidneys normally play a role in filtering out toxins and residual substances in the blood , and remove it in the form of urine . Urine is excreted through the ureters and to prevent urine back into the kidneys reverse direction , there is a valve in the ureters which will close the channel towards the kidneys .
Unfortunately , because of anatomical abnormalities , valve function , there is no good , then the urine tends to return the kidney . The organ had to work extra toxins and substances in the urine that should have been excluded . If this process occurs many times in a long time , then renal child will experience a decline in function .
In addition, said Parlindungan , decreased kidney function can also be due to inflammation of the child or also known as nephritis . Nephritis in children is generally triggered by a strong hereditary factors .
Monday, March 17, 2014
Incubator expensive, married couple's use Ice Box for premature baby
Mumbai , India , Incubator used to maintain while monitoring the health condition of infants born prematurely . But couples in India using ice boxes because could not afford an expensive incubator facility at the hospital .
Ramesh ( 35 ) and Aruna Chaunan ( 34 ) is the couple . Due to the poor state of the economy , they could no longer afford the cost of care in the Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) so that their babies are born prematurely maintained their health .
Babies who they named Mithilesh was born in October 2013 and , with a weight of only 1.5 kg . Mithilesh born two months earlier than the supposed pregnancy and indicated abnormalities in the thyroid . For that , they must pay a fee of Rp 1.5 million each day .
" We 've sold all the items in our home . We even had to borrow from relatives and friends who we know . But the result was just enough for 20 days of treatment course , " Aruna said as quoted from NyDailyNews , Tuesday ( 18/3 / 2014 ) .
After 20 days , they were forced to take back his son to take home to home . Ramesh effort to sign up to the government hospital was dashed after the hospital refused on the grounds there was no longer a place to Mithilesh . However, after discussions with several doctors acquaintance , Ramesh also tried the suggestion to use an ice box .
" The doctor told me that if we are not able to hire an incubator at the hospital , better make it your own with ice box and a 60 watt bulb , " said Ramesh .
After weighing , couples Nalla Sopara origin , Mumbai was finally decided to follow the doctor's advice . Ramesh also buy an ice box from a nearby fish market , cutting and giving vent , and connect the cable to be lit bulb in the box .
Once the box is complete , they installed an alarm every two hours to put out Mithilesh measure the temperature of the box . This process takes place every day for five months . Aruna admitted that he was feeling confused , anxious and fearful .
"I do not know whether I'm doing this right , if my baby is healthy . However this is better than doing nothing and letting my baby die , " said Aruna .
But baby Mithilesh now been freed from the ice box . After seeing the news about the plight of the couples and their babies , Wadia Hospital for Children in Mumbai offering assistance to care for their baby at no cost . Dr. Minnie Bhodanwal , Director of Wadia Hospital for Children expressed even sad .
" It is sad that in this modern age there is still sad events as experienced father and mother Aruna Ramesh , " said Dr. Minnie .
Although the use of an ice box to warm premature babies including a practical way , but Dr. Minnie said that the absence of monitors and other medical equipment can cause the baby's body temperature should be kept out of control . Dr. Minnie said that he and his staff will continue to monitor the development of the baby's condition Mithilesh although these couples do not have to pay anything .
" Premature babies require care and monitoring 24 hours a day . We will evaluate their health condition in total and if the process goes well , within 3 weeks of the baby has been able to take home , " said Dr. Minnie .
Drinking Water 3 Liters a day, Dian Crop Success Weight 25 Kg

A woman born July 29, 1981 and resided in Semarang , Central Java , this tells the lived experience of the diet during the 5 months , as written on Tuesday ( 18/03/2014 ) :
Not easy for someone who is obese to diet . But with the support of the family and also a strong motivation I can reduce my body weight .
I used to love the white rice . in 2-3 a day I could eat a plate of white rice with side dishes . Not to mention I also like to eat snacks such as fried foods and chocolate .
One day my sister reminded me of a low calorie diet , but I became angry with the advice of my sister . When all the support of my family to go on a diet , then I was excited to do it .
My diet starts with taking only as much as 3 tablespoons rice with side dishes for 2 weeks . I also reproduce vegetables and fruits . It was initially very difficult , but the results of my weight was down 3 pounds in one week .
After 2 weeks with a diet like that , I was getting used to eating with a little portion of rice . During one month of my weight down as much as 8 kg . It made me more excited in the diet .
I can still eat my favorite food , but small portions . Because accustomed to eating such a diet , I became accustomed satisfied with eating a little . I am also getting used to drink water as much as 3 liters a day . When I feel hungry , I will test the drinking water first, if still feel hungry after eating drinking I 'll eat vegetables or fruits .
My diet is balanced with regular exercise , ie jogging and swimming three times a week . Slowly but surely over the 5 months my weight was 100 kg down to 75 kg . Transform into a more healthy lifestyle is not easy , but if it is supported by all the family will be more easily and smoothly .
How You Not To Fart Smelling Rotten
Jakarta , While farting is a natural reaction of the body , but it still makes people blush may be accompanied by a bad odor . So how do I fix this?
According to the American College of Gastroenterology , the average person will pass gas 10 to 20 times a day . In addition to cause embarrassment , gas in the stomach can lead to increased pain and abdominal discomfort . Fart frequency can be reduced by making changes in diet and lifestyle .
Here are some ways that you can reduce the frequency and smelly fart , as quoted from the LIVESTRONG , Tuesday ( 18/03/2014 ) :
1 . Reduce foods that cause bloating
To reduce the frequency of flatus , then reduce the consumption of foods that can make flatulence . Reduce carbohydrates such as potatoes , eggs , limit beans and lentils . Similarly, according to the Mayo Clinic . Avoid vegetables like broccoli , cabbage , and cauliflower .
2 . Reduce milk products if lactose intolerant
Monitor whether the gas in the stomach increases when you consume dairy products such as milk , cheese and yogurt . If the answer is yes , you may be lactose intolerant . If it were so , avoid all dairy products , including ice cream and cottage cheese .
3 . Do not ' swallow ' the air
Change eating habits to reduce air swallowing . The trick , chew food slowly and do not use a straw when drinking . Avoid carbonated beverages such as sodas and beer . Do not chew gum and stop smoking , because this practice greatly increases the amount of air swallowed . 50 Percent of gas escaped from the rectum comes from swallowed air , according to the American College of Gastroenterology .
4 . consumption of drugs
If you experience excessive flatus , consider taking the drug as simethicone , activated charcoal ( activated charcoal ) and Beano . These products can break gas bubbles and helps eliminate flatulence .
5 . Visit the doctor
Visit your doctor if you change your diet or eating habits also reduce flatulence . Discuss your symptoms with your doctor to understand the medical conditions that make the digestive tract increase gas production .
This is the Reason Why People Love Gossiping
Jakarta , must be admitted that gossip is one of the most common activities performed by many people . At school , at college , at work , or even at home , gossiping is an activity that can happen anywhere .
According to a social psychology from France , Laurent Begue , gossiping like a ' guilty pleasure ' for many people . People already knew that it was gossip that are not supposed to do , but in fact even the most common. So , why did it happen ?
" It is not realized , gossip is an activity that can build social bonds . Fact that social ties will be much more powerful woke constructed by dividing it through gossip than when people divide things that are positive , " Begue said , as quoted by Doctor Net UK , Tuesday ( 18/03/2014 ) .
" Because , about 60 percent of the rumor that it is the things that are not actually happening . Fact can be regarded as a judgment , " he added .
A senior British journalist and critic , Nicholas Lezard stated that the desire to present the gossip that will not behave satisfactorily . That is why people will continue to gossip because they will not be satisfied if only the gossip once .
In addition to building a stronger social ties , gossip was also instrumental to the development of the brain . This was disclosed by Robin Dunbar , an anthropologist and a psychologist from the UK .
" People love to gossip will find it necessary to keep his memory spreading these rumors . This is one of the vital factors in the development of the brain , " he said .
Nevertheless, the rumor remains assessed as behavior that is not supposed to do . Begue revealed that gossiping is a very risky activity bad . " A study showed that it ( gossip ) could risk creating a sense of mistrust , " said Begue .
Rare Case, Woman Couple Equivalent to Spread HIV
Jakarta , A woman in Texas , United States infected with HIV ( Human Imunodeficiency Virus ) of couples like. Both are not injecting drug users . Scientists say such cases are rare .
It said 46 -year -old woman has no other risk factors for contracting HIV . He has 6 months of monogamous relationship with a partner like , which means not changing partners . In the last 10 years , he also did not have sex with the opposite sex .
With a partner , he also did not exchange needles because they do not use drugs . The only risk factor that was found , her partner is HIV positive and do not undergo treatment in the last 2 years .
Sexual transmission of HIV from women to women is fairly rare . But in theory , the possibility of transmitted HIV among women is always there because HIV can also be transmitted through vaginal fluids and menstrual blood .
In this case , the couple reported unsafe sex . Among them exchanging sex - toys , sexual contact during menstruation , and sometimes brutal sex until the bleeding .
" Although rare , HIV transmission can occur among women , " wrote the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) , as quoted by LiveScience , Monday ( 17/03/2014 ) .
CDC recommends discordant couples , regardless of gender and sexual orientation , shall be mutually know their partner 's HIV status and implement safe sex to prevent transmission . Discordant couples means one partner is infected , while the other does not .
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Not Just Weight, Personality Also Affect Health
Jakarta , for the health check , the doctor will check your blood pressure and body mass index . According to scientists , clinicians should now also assess the patient's personality . Because personality is closely related to health , like family history or smoking habits .
According to scientists from Duke University , North Carolina , personality determines how well a person in maintaining the condition themselves . This disease affects the risk faced and longevity .
" Health care is the best that examine all aspects of the patient , including how the impact of personality traits on attitudes , behaviors , and their health , " said Norman Anderson , one of the researchers , as quoted by the Daily Mail on Monday ( 03/17/2014 ) .
The scientists examined data from a study of the development of health in New Zealand involving 1,037 participants born in April 1972 until March 1973 . The participants were examined every two years from birth to age 38 years .
In participants age 26 , scientists ask people who know the participants , such as parents , spouse , or friend , to define their character . And at age 38 , participants received a physical examination to test kidney and liver function , blood pressure , heart and lung fitness , vascular inflammation , and gum related diseases .
Turns accuracy or foresight is the most important character which affect the health of the future .
People who carefully tend not to have health problems than those who are less careful . In the study , 45 % were less careful parisipan experiencing some health problems at the age of 38 years . Only 18% of participants with a thorough character experiencing health problems .
Why , people who carefully tend to have an active lifestyle and a healthy diet . They also have better self control so it tends to not smoke or drink. As a result , they are healthier and live longer .
Benefits of Ballet: Flatten Stomach Body Up Higher
Jakarta , known beautiful ballet dance and have unusual movements . Being a professional ballet dancer , or become a good ballet dancer is not easy to do . Because movement and gesture in classical dance is highly regulated .
Dancing is a healthy activity . In addition to the maintained weight , agile dancers can also move back and forth . However , the benefits of ballet dance is more specific than others you know.
What are the benefits of healthy beauty behind the ballet ? As quoted from Boldsky on Monday ( 03/17/2014 ) , this is the healthy benefits derived from dancing ballet .
1 . Enforcing postureWhen the dance was ballet , the spine should be straight at all times . Every movement in ballet also requires the right attitude back . Even when bent , ballet dancers have to do it by the rules . All these movements ultimately make the body upright postures .
2 . Makes the body more flexibleAs in the film , ballet dancers are required to have an incredible resilience . They should be able to spread his legs up over his head, forming an angle of 180 degrees . Movements in the ballet can increase body flexibility at the same leg strength .
3 . tighten the musclesBallet dancers need strong muscles and abilities that can be obtained through training . With dance practice rests on tip toes over the years , will be stronger leg muscles . In addition , the feet also becomes more beautiful .
4 . streamline bodyBallet dancers require a lot of energy and have to spend all the capabilities . That's why ballet dancers are usually slender and slim . Weight loss is one of the healthy benefits of ballet dream of many women .
5 . flatten stomachWhen dancing , ballet dancers will pull into the stomach and chest puffing . Without realizing it , the pose is actually a natural exercise for the stomach . That's why ballet is a perfect idea for those who want to streamline the stomach .
6 . Making higher bodyStand with your fingertips to make someone look taller . But not only that . By practicing ballet for many years , the opportunity for high growth will be even greater .
Increasingly Fat Woman, Ovarian Cancer Risk Higher
Jakarta , There is a series of increasingly severe risk of cancer if the patient is obese or excess body fat , the breast, colon , endometrium ( lining of the uterus ) , kidney , and pancreas . One more cancers in this list , namely ovarian cancer ovarian alias .
For a study found the higher a woman's weight , the greater the risk of ovarian cancer he has. Even according to the researchers , this cancer may also be associated with a person's height , although not as strong relevance weight , especially body fat .
As quoted by NBC News, Monday ( 03/17/2014 ) , a team of researchers from the AICR get this conclusion after reviewing 25 studies involving a total of 4 million female participants , and 16,000 of them suffered from ovarian cancer .
" This could be an important finding because it shows how to keep a woman reduce her chances of developing ovarian cancer . Having previously not much we know about how to prevent this cancer , " said Dr. . Rutgers Elisa Bandera of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey , one of the experts who helped write the report of this study .
Although the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute says obesity as one of the things that allegedly can cause ovarian cancer , AICR asserted that the sufferer must not obese ( BMI above 30 ) . They added that women who are overweight ( BMI from 28 ) is already at high risk .
One reason researchers alleged to be behind the fat ovarian cancer risk is the fat cells to release estrogen , a hormone that helps nourish cancer . Moreover, those who are overweight or obese often experience high levels of inflammation in the body , which in turn gave him the risk of heart disease and cancer as well .
In addition , fat cells can also produce other hormones such as leptin that can lead to uncontrolled cell growth that cancer arises . Researchers did not deny there may be other things that cause this , such as genetic conditions .
HD, CAPD, and Transplantation, Which One is Ideal for Kidney Failure Patients?
Jakarta , treatment for chronic kidney disease patients ( CDK ) or better known as kidney failure , can be done in three ways , namely hemodialysis ( HD ) , CAPD , and renal transplant . Of these 3 ways , which are considered more ideal ?
" Transplantation is actually more ideal and appropriate , " said dr . D. Situmorang stump , SpPD - KGH , a specialist in internal medicine and renal consultant , when met at the time of Chronic Kidney Disease & events in order Aging World Kidney Day 2014 in the Auditorium Toedjoe Star , Pulomas , and written on Monday ( 03/17/2014 ) .
However , because it takes a kidney donor for itself, then this is what causes kidney failure patient management through a kidney transplant was little done .
" In Indonesia , people who suffer from kidney failure that's a lot . Consequently the need for a kidney too much . , But unfortunately , this is the willingness of donor kidneys were little , " said the doctor who daily practice in Siloam Hospital Jakarta .
" When compared to neighboring countries , the number of kidney transplants in Indonesia is far away , " he added .
dr . Stumps reveal this condition is very sad and alarming . Society should pay attention to this condition . Because after all , a kidney transplant is the most ideal in treating patients with renal failure .
" Actually it 's most likely to donate a kidney that is my family members . Yet so far the people are still wondering whether to feel OK if live with one kidney ( after donor - ed ) . Yet it is clear the answer is yes , healthy . Though donors must be keeping her body than ever before , " said Dr. stumps .
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Incurable Kidney Pain, It Can Be Done to Address Physician.
Jakarta , chronic kidney disease is kidney damage with a span of more than 3 months . The severity of chronic kidney disease is divided into five stages , ranging from stage G1 to G5 stage . There is no specific drug that can cure kidney disease , which can be done to prevent the disease is to avoid getting worse .
" We can manage chronic kidney disease . Patients actually like to inquire about the kidney drug , and we are forced to answer , that it was no renal medicine . Sometimes they say that another doctor gave renal medicine , when it comes to it I can not comment , " said Dr. Dr. Siregar SpPD Parlindungan - KGH is currently present in the press conference ' World Kidney Day 2014 : Chronic Kidney Disease and Aging ' at Pearl restaurant , JW Marriott , Rim Jl Mega Kuningan , Jakarta , as quoted on Friday ( 03/14/2014 ) .
Renal drug does not exist , which can be done by physicians and patients is control disorder that causes at times can come back again . For example, someone who has a stone in the bladder channel , the doctor will try his best to throw the rock in order to prevent kidney disease is not getting worse .
Another way to do this is to slow the progression of the disease . For example, someone who has diabetes or hypertension should control it . Your doctor will give you medication to slow the progress . Likewise, if the patient has complications , the doctor will handle the complications well , so slow progress .
" We also want to give that medicine should adjust the dosage to the level of filtration rate glomerus . So if he was a drug excreted through the kidneys , usually those with stage G3 dose will necessarily be greater than those with stage G4 , so it 's all count - calculation , " said Dr. Parlindungan .
Another step that can be done is to do the identification and preparation for renal replacement therapy . If the patient has entered the stage G4 , the doctor will usually tell you the worst possibilities . The aim is that the patient was mentally prepared when they enter the stadium G5 .
But her reality , most Indonesian people when told , do not want to accept the fact and think that doctors just scare it. Making it difficult for physicians to prepare patients for entry into the dialysis stage with a big heart and willing to accept it all .
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