Thursday, February 20, 2014

Menopause Mood Make A Mess? Try Overcome with Acupuncture

Jakarta , acupuncture therapy , or acupuncture are proven to reduce pain , headaches , depression , and even to improve the fertility of female or male . Not to stop there , specifically acupuncture can be beneficial for the women you know .
Therefore , there are some health benefits to be gained from acupuncture therapy , especially for post-menopausal women , as quoted from the Health Me Up , Friday ( 02/21/2014 ) the following :
1 . Helps balance moodAcupuncture theory suggests that disturbances in the energy balance of Yin and Yang imbalances can cause hormonal systems that affect mood changes . Therefore , acupuncture is believed to help strengthen and balance the energy so that imbalance mood can be overcome .
2 . Reduce night sweatsExcessive sweating at night or hot flashes according to a scientist in Turkey can be lowered happened with acupuncture . The scientists conducted research that showed 35 percent of hot flashes can be reduced through acupuncture therapy .
3 . Overcoming fatigueHormonal changes in the body -menopausal women most often make women tired for no reason . To overcome this condition , acupuncture can be relied upon to increase energy levels in the body .
4 . Relieves aches and painsWomen who receive acupuncture also reported that therapy can relieve muscle pain . Therefore , this therapy is known to reduce stress and improve blood circulation which naturally releases endorphins as a natural remedy the pain.
5 . Relieve depressionAlong with balance hormones and relieve pain , acupuncture can also reduce the level of depression experienced by menopausal women .

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