Thursday, February 27, 2014

Data Show Women Sick More Often Than Men

Jakarta , Questioning who more often work permit because of pain , it turns out women who more often. Nearly 50 percent of women take more sick leave than men . These data also show that women more often than men fell ill .
The main cause of sick leave is muscle or bone disorders , such as back and neck pain . This was followed by minor ailments such as coughs and colds . Majority of the remainder being caused by stress , anxiety , or depression .
According to the data , women on average take approximately five working days of sick leave each year , while the men only took less than four working days . Or in other words , women are 42 percent more likely to take time off work because of illness . Similarly, according to data from the Office for National Statistics The UK . Analysts find that the data after removing the entire other factors , including age , profession , scope and magnitude of the office .
Karen Steadman , a researcher at the Work Foundation , said that men are also more likely to force myself to keep working even though they are supposed to rest due to being sick .
" The presence of labor is higher in men than in women . The men were more likely to still go to work when you're sick , which will have consequences in the long run . Complaint they may not be diagnosed and they do not receive immediate treatment , " said Steadman as reported by the Telegraph and written on Friday ( 02/28/2014 ) .
According to Steadman woman knows more about the health system so that they are more aware of the importance of health . That's why women are lighter than men to take sick leave .
However, over the number of sick leave taken by women do not fully show that women are more prone to falling ill . Because some women are forced to take sick leave to handle things baby -related emergency or relatives . Strict regulations to make their office was forced to take sick leave to deal with critical matters at home .
The data show that people who work in the public sector 24 percent more often ill than the private sector . However, kesejangan it has shrunk since 1993 .
The ratio of sick leave most severe in the health sector . Each year , there are 3.4 per cent of working hours lost due to illness . Being in the government sector and the amount of 3 percent in the private sector is only 1.8 percent . The reason why employees in the private sector take sick leave less often associated with a given salary .
" People who work in the private sector will get less pay if sick , compared to those in the public sector , " said Jamie Jenkins , labor market analyst at the Office for National Statistics .
The size of the office was apparently also influenced the amount of sick leave taken . Statistics show that those who work in smaller offices typically more rarely take sick leave . The reason is because they do not want co-workers got additional workload .

Also Beard Transplant Scars Could Close

Jakarta , Nothing to be ashamed or afraid to grow beards hispter again . Because later the men in New York are also avid beard grafts to get different looks .
It is based on a description of a number of plastic surgeons in New York . Unmitigated , they did not hesitate to spend just for the sake deep can have sideburns on his face . Facial hair transplantation alone achieve cost 3000-7000 dollars ( about USD 35 to 81.5 million ) .
" In the last three - four years , there is an increasing number of transplant patients every week , whether to grow a beard , mustache or those who want more bushy beard , " said one facial plastic surgeon from New York , Dr. Yael Halaas .
Dr. Halaas own claim to perform this kind of procedure more than six times per month . However , Dr. Scot Glasberg , president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons ( ASPS ) reminds Facial Hair transplants are much more risky than in head hair transplant because it is more painful . " Moreover, this kind of transplant is not common because of sparse facial hair to fall out , " he added .
Yet Dr. Anthony Yuan , scholasticism origin surgeon Michigan real sure this transplant . " This is also valid , especially for men who face follicles undergo certain conditions . Caranay also almost the same as the usual hair transplants over the head , it's just folikelnya put in a different location , " he said as quoted from , Friday ( 28 / 2/2014 ) .
Dr. Halaas add this procedure is performed under local anesthetic with hair taken from the back of the head .
One facial hair transplant patients admitted he did not just to show off . " The hair on my face and neck grew into by mistake while shaving , and I began to undergo hair removal therapy a few months ago , " said the patient named Barron Myers ( 27 ) in his email .
But after undergoing transplant , skin texture and appearance Myers improved , whereas before many visible scars and damaged skin lukas because his facial hair ingrown .

Health Screening Be Key to Prevent Colon Cancer

Jakarta , in Indonesia , the incidence of cancer is the most common breast cancer and cervical cancer . But make no mistake , colon cancer also deserves special attention .
" Indonesia ranks third in the number of colon cancer with male patients in the world . Meanwhile, Japan 's number one in the world for number of female colon cancer patients , " said Yoshinori Morita , MD , PhD of the Department of Gastroenterology Kobe University School of Medicine .
According to Morita , colon cancer is largely due to complications , especially eating and lifestyle . Although , he admits comparisons certainly unaware of bowel cancer patients in Indonesia and Japan .
" But we can know that the Indonesian population twice the number of people in Japan , " Morita said after speaking in Medical Exellence Japan Seminar at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski , Jakarta , Friday ( 28/02/2014 ) .
To prevent colon cancer , Morita said no specific way that can be done . But , the important thing is to do screening , especially for those aged 40 years and over . Because, at the age of a person prone to have colon polyps .
"If there are polyps usually undergo surgery , especially when the size is more than 5 mm , " said Morita .
Related intake , Morita said spicy food does contribute to the incidence of colon cancer . However , he stressed that deserves attention is to begin to change your lifestyle , especially the consumption of fatty meat where the meat may trigger bowel cancer . " From now change your lifestyle such as eating fewer vegetables , lack of exercise , eating a lot of fat and fast food , " said Morita .
Despite the dangers of colon cancer depends on the stage , but if the cancer cells are still there at one point , it can still be handled . " If the perforated bowel until the most fatal is death , " said Morita .

Study Reveals Sudden Obesity Not Cause Type 2 Diabetes

Jakarta , many people thought that type 2 diabetes is caused by the body to be heavy . The conjecture is not entirely true . Current findings present the possibility , type 2 diabetes is not caused by increased weight .
Researchers found that those who are overweight for many years are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who have just experienced a drastic weight gain .
Based on the study , scientists say that the best way to reduce the number of cases of diabetes is to focus on a little weight reduction program in the crowds . How it is considered more effective than programs drastic weight loss for some people at high risk of developing diabetes .
" The strategy focuses on a little weight reduction for the entire population may be more profitable than strategies that berberfokus the drastic weight loss for certain high-risk individuals , " said study author was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail , Friday ( 28/02/2014 ) .
Researchers from the Steno Diabetes Centre in Denmark has conducted a study of 6,705 civil servants of data in London who had been followed for more than 10 years .
All participants were free of diabetes when the study began . But ten years later , as many as 645 participants diagnosed with diabetes . Scientists then looked back at records of body mass index ( BMI ) of participants for 10 years .
They found that the majority of participants with diabetes , or as many as 606 people , is already overweight during the study . BMI participants were , however , stable fat from beginning to end and not an overweight obese .
Only 15 diabetic patients who experienced weight gain is continuously before finally diagnosed with diabetes . In addition , there were only 26 participants with diabetes who have experienced since the beginning of obesity .
The study provides information on the best ways to identify people at risk of diabetes , those who are overweight constant . However, the researchers admitted that they should examine a more diverse group to ensure research results .

Bad Habits It is precisely Healthy Men

Jakarta , bad habits should be abandoned for good , such as smoking or skipping the gym for a month-long . But not just because of the unhealthy , then you can not defend it . As it turns out some of the habits that are actually also has its own benefits .
Here are the six forms of bad habits that actually healthy , especially for men , as quoted from Men 's Health, on Friday ( 28/02/2014 ) .
1 . Lazy after workA Dutch study in 2012 found the activities you do after work affect your dedication to the job the next day .
For that , the people who always spend their time at home or after work tends not so relaxed and less focused when I had entered the office again , when compared to those who spent the night with lighter activities such as watching TV , provided it is not too long as well .
The same study also said people who spend the night with friends or relaxing exercise such as walking after work shown to exhibit increased productivity when I have to work again .
2 . skipping workAccounting firm , Ernst & Young conducted a study of its own workers and found for every 10 hours of additional PTO (Personal Time Off ) given to workers at the end of the performance of the workers increased significantly .
Employees are often on vacation also feel more at home in their company . So take advantage of your PTO allotments for the sake of mental health .
3 . Sports half-heartedFor beginners , which is important to show up at the gym alone is better than not coming at all . If not , Jessica Wilson , CSCS , owner of Wilson's Fitness Studios , Chicago advised to exercise as best and seluang your time .
" We've all experienced those days where we just ran with a power of 15 , 20 , or 30 percent of our normal energy , but the target we should give our 100 per cent focus on 15 , 20 and 30 percent of that energy, " he added .
When you only have 20 minutes or as long as it's just like exercising , then muster your energy fully within this period , thus the perceived benefits of the body, especially the internal system and your physical appearance will also be optimal .
4 . angerOccasional anger does not matter you know. Precisely sebauh study from the National Institutes of Health and the Swedish find men who often harbored anger often experience hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure than those who often express uneg - unegnya .
People who are not good at managing his anger also increased stress hormones , which in turn increases the blood pressure and damage the artery walls .
5 . Idly browsing in the middle of working hoursPeople who are doing work for a full 50 minutes long performance will decline . This was stated by a study from the University of Illinois , Urbana - Champaign in 2011 .
But when they take a brief pause twice , never seen such a decrease . How? Another study from Hiroshima University said the animal looked at a number of pictures can help a person to work faster and made ​​fewer errors .
6 . impulsive spendingImpulsive shopping is also sometimes needed , especially to anticipate things that could happen in the future .
Moreover, having such a crazy idea suddenly booked flight tickets to Bahamas can result in decisions more encouraging for people who do it , especially if you have more money . According to experts , this way you just said to be wise in spending your money .

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

People with Job's Natural High Risk of Obesity

Jakarta , Obesity is closely linked with a person's daily life . Including the type of work also appeared to affect the risk of obesity experienced by a person . At least that's what the study revealed in Washington , USA .
Huffington Post reported , medical experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention observations of 37 626 employees during the years 2003 to 2009 . In this study , the prevalence of obesity is influenced also by demographics , physical activity levels , smoking , consumption of fruits and vegetables , as well as leisure activities .
This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of obesity according to his work at the same time informing someone of priority health programs in the workplace . The research team also analyzed the 28 occupational groups outside the military and construction personnel .
The results found that people who work as truck drivers and other modes of transportation , insurance providers , as well as the cleaning service has the highest obesity risk .
" BMI ( body mass index ) can not distinguish fat mass and tissue . However , workers with higher mobility demands likely to be physically fit and have a higher BMI due to increased muscle mass , " the researchers wrote in their report , as quoted from iVillage , Wednesday ( 02/26/2014 ) .
The study results also showed that the prevalence of obesity in the entire profession was 24.6 percent with a 11.6 percent are at risk of health-care providers such as doctors and health practitioners . Then, 38.6 percent worked as a truck driver .
Workers who smoke also have lower obesity prevalence than nonsmokers workers . Although , the proportion of smokers is highest in the lowest truckers and the health care provider . Even so , researchers warn that obesity can also be pressed regardless of the type of work you through the implementation of a healthy lifestyle .
Well, here are the results of a study that shows a list of professions with the prevalence of obesity :
1 . Truckers 38.6 %2 . Another 37.9 % of transport driver3 . Insurance services 33.3 %4 . Cleaning service 29.5 %5 . 28.8 % of health service providers6 . Repair services 28.9 %7 . Administrative staff 27.9 %8 . Personal Services 27.2 %9 . Technicians 26.6 %10 . Factory workers 26.1 %11 . Marketing 25.4 %12 . Management 25.1 %13 . Executive , administrative and managerial 24.4 %14 . Machine operators 23.9 %15 . Nurses 22.6 %16 . Agriculture , forestry and fishing 22.3 %17 . 21.8 % of teachers18 . Housemaid 21.9 %19 . Scientists 21.8 %20 . Lawyers and judges 21.7 %21 . Engineers , architects and surveyors 20.2 %22 . Employees restaurant 20.1 %

More elderly are more at risk Clothing Sitting Disabilities

Jakarta , more advanced age , the desire to sit around relaxing day will be even greater . Common practice that is not a good habit . Because according to a study , one additional hour to be seated turns doubles the risk of disability in the elderly .
In men or women over the age of 60 , each additional hour spent sitting increases the risk of disability . That was a disappointment , exercise will not be able to protect one of the hidden dangers posed prolonged sitting habits . So says a new study of the studies .
In the study , scientists looked at data sample of 2,286 elderly people aged 60 or older . The data comes from a national survey of Americans , the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey . The participants are elderly who have high levels of health , medium activity , and the activity of the same weight .
Participants were asked to wear accelerometers as from 2002 to 2005 to measure their activity . How much time spent sitting , to undertake moderate physical activity , and weight . Similarly, a report in the Journal of Physical Activity & Health .
This study is the first study to show that the lack of movement is one of the risk factors that can lead to disability , regardless of the lack of exercise . In fact , inertia is a risk factor that is as strong as lack of exercise .
" This is the first time we show that the habit of silence associated with increased risk of disability , regardless of how much moderate exercise is done , " said Dorothy Dunlop , associate professor of medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine .
" And silence is not a synonym of less physical activity , " he added .
If there are two 65-year -old woman , one of them did not move for 12 hours and the other for 13 hours in a day , the second woman at risk of 50 % to persons with disabilities . Restrict a person's disability is known to relieve oneself , carrying , or lifting something .
The risk of disability increases with age . The risk was 6 % in childhood , 16 % in adults of working age , and 45 % at retirement .
In fact , there is evidence to suggest that too much sitting may be a new risk factor causes premature death and disease . Professor Dunlop was surprised to find the results of the discovery.
" It means that older adults should reduce the time spent sitting , either in front of the television or at the computer , regardless of their participation in moderate or strenuous activity , " he said as quoted by the Daily Mail , Wednesday ( 26/2 / 2014 ) .
However, because the study does is examine the data at a particular time span , can not immediately conclude that the habit of sitting around cause disability . It's just a habit that is a potential trigger .
Research Dunlop strengthens some previous studies related to the habit of sitting . A previous study showed an association between habitual sitting with disabilities , but the study was only based on personal reports and can not be verified .
Another study found that watching television for 6 hours in a day can shorten the life of up to five years when compared with those who never watch television . People who sit for longer also have a larger waist size , cholesterol levels , blood sugar levels , and higher triglyceride levels .

Join the New Drug Trials, Ian Successfully Eliminate 70 tumors in body

Bolton , England , Ian Brooks ( 47 ) was convicted by a doctor that he can only survive for a week . For Ian 's body was filled with 70 tumors . However , Ian can survive much longer thanks to its participation in a new drug trial .
Previously , Ian was desperate due to the type of non- Hodgkin's lymphoma is a rare and aggressive they experienced . But he felt like a miracle after doctors at the Christie Hospital , Manchester no longer find the tumor on the scans Ian .
Trial drug called brentuximab vedotin giving the drug proved successful and now it has been supplied Cancer Drugs Fund for NHS patients . Ian admitted he may not be able to survive until now if not take the drug.
Form of Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma who attacked Ian is anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and he was diagnosed with the disease at the age of 33 years . In 2001, the initial treatment of tumor bearing fruit that Ian is gone . But in 2008 , the tumor was growing again .
Had to undergo a stem cell transplant but the tumor was again growing and spreading . Ian finally willing to volunteer for the trial of brentuximab vedotin . Within 24 hours after taking the drug that destroys cancer cells from the inside , Ian conditions showed large enough progress .
" At first I was very nervous when offered the new treatment . , But I was determined because it concerns the life and death of me , " Ian said as quoted by the Mirror , Wednesday ( 02/26/2014 ) .
He revealed despite rapid reaction , the drug has severe side effects on the body than chemotherapy . It was terrible for this man from Bolton when his body flushed as a sign that the cancer cells can already be destroyed .
" These drugs can be administered quickly and have few side effects . Truly a miracle that this drug could help kill cancer cells in the body of Ian , " said Dr. Adam Gibb who handles Ian .

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

During Operation Brain Injury, He's Forgotten How Sex

Jakarta , after undergoing cancer surgery usually there will be side effects that accompany the sufferer , for example impotence in men . But the cancer surgery that has failed to make this guy even forgot how to make love .
In 2003 , Richard Bandy asked to prepare for surgery . Bandy and his wife , Sonya Lea had already anticipated the possibility of such Bandy died or activity they may not sesemarak bed first because Bandy may experience impotence . Lea Bandy allow even looking for a new husband or lover .
But who would have thought , who lived Bandy cancer surgery has failed and he suffered internal bleeding which led to brain injury . 10 years since the operation took place , physically Bandy could have sex , but he no longer Bandy once .
As a writer , Lea also shed uneg - unegnya in an article titled " How My Husband Forgot Sex " . There, the woman who is now 54-year -old tells that Bandy short term memory loss and long-term because of the operation . Even Bandy not remember the intimacy in which they live for many years of marriage .
" The man who first taught me how to explore ( in intimate relationships ) has become a stranger. Three years after the brain injury , it is almost impossible to ask what he wants or start a conversation , or remembering how my body respond ( touch ) , " Lea wrote as reported by ABC News, Tuesday ( 02/25/2014 ) .
According to Dr. Paul Sugarbaker , director of the Center for Gastrointestinal malignancies , MedStar Washington Hospital Center , USA , Bandy suffered a rare cancer called pseudomyxoma peritonei ( PMP ) , which only affects about 5,000 people in the U.S. alone .
PMP arises because of the presence of polyps in the appendix ruptured and spread of tumor cells into mucus -producing parts of the stomach . " It is usually fatal , although now we can cure 80 percent of patients with a new type of operation , " explained Sugarbaker . Bandy unfortunately not addressed by this doctor .
The standard treatment for PMP is hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy alone ( HIPEC ) , chemotherapy with high concentrations of chemicals are directly routed to the abdomen during the operation . But sometimes , a kind of high -dose chemotherapeutic agents can indeed lead to serious complications that lead to bleeding in the brain or a stroke .
Sugarbaker also said the worst possible thing might happen to Bandy . Since there are such cases , Sugarbaker also discontinue use of the chemo drugs in the hospital where he practiced .
According to Lea , in the case of Bandy , his brain deprived of oxygen during a critical period after 32 ounces of blood flooded his stomach when the operation took place . His own family has filed a malpractice lawsuit to the hospital who operated Bandy .
But one thing that is felt directly by Leah is about how Bandy no longer remember how they have sex , despite having been together since high school . In addition to writing his story in various articles , Leah also is busy making memoir titled ' Wondering Who You Are ' in which he is to strip away about cancer , brain surgery , the places they've visited , art , food , sex , and family .
" I love writing . 's Making me cry . , But most of the memory chunks of my life I can not remember . Birthday I do not remember my kids or my wedding day . I also do not really remember what sex was before the brain injury occurred , "Bandy ( 56 ) .
However, the two couples are determined to restore their romance , somehow. One of the challenges is the need to take the initiative now Leah first. When they were dating , for example , Lealah who prepares all the topics of conversation. " Because he could not start it ( the conversation ) naturally , " he said .
Especially in bed , Lea also needs to be more masculine and moved first to start their sexual activity , for example by saying what he wants . For two years they also try to visit a number of countries such as France and India to be closer .
" And now sex feels so much better because of the trips we did together , " said Lea .

Do not Want Taxable Cervical Cancer? Stay away from Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Mutually Couple

Jakarta , cervical cancer or commonly referred to as cervical cancer is a malignant disease that only affects women . The disease comes from the Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) which can be transmitted through sexual intercourse . The risk of getting the disease increases if a woman like smoking , drinking alcohol , and promiscuity .
" Smoking , drinking alcohol and frequent change of partners are some things that can increase the probability of cervical cancer , " said Dr. Adi Saso , MA , director of Health Services Kusuma Buana Foundation detikHealth when met at the inauguration ceremony of Cooperation ' Empowerment of Women in Cervical Cancer Prevention ' Kusuma Buana Foundation and the International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Group Family Clinic YKB , New Pisangan , Jatinegara , East Jakarta , Tuesday ( 25/02/2014 ) .
To that end , he suggested that any woman who has been actively engaged in sexual conduct Pap tests at least 2 years. But if the woman has the habit of smoking , drinking alcohol and promiscuity , it's good to do a pap smear test 6 months or once a year .
Dr. Adi explains the true people with HPV do not automatically cervical cancer . Only 10 percent are at risk of becoming cervical cancer . HPV can be cervical cancer is the most widely HPV type 16 and HPV type 18 .
Dr. Adi added risk of cervical cancer can be minimized by applying a clean and healthy lifestyle behaviors . Even HPV is said to be lost if the person is running a clean and healthy lifestyle behaviors .
Based on the data owned by the Ministry of Health , cervical cancer is the number two killer of women in Indonesia after breast cancer . Each year approximately 15,000 found cervical cancer new cases . In other words , there are 41 cases occurred each day . 53.3 percent of all cervical cancer patients and even lead to death .

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sports Do not be underestimated, Must Be Benchmarking

Jakarta , During this time , some people think sport is a primary requirement for a semi - human . But there are many who do not think so . Though exercise is an important activity to do . But must not exercise because there needs to be a reference that must be considered .
" Education is an important exercise . Mention run . Though running is a sport that is considered to be the most straightforward and simple , many of which ultimately did not take seriously the correct preparation and also not aware of the risks that can occur when doing the exercise incorrectly . Therefore education is indispensable in order to obtain the benefits of exercise in accordance with its objectives, " said dr . Ermita Ilyas , MS . AIFO , an Expert Physician Health and Sports Physiology .
It was submitted by him at the 2014 Conference of Pocari Sweat " Making Physical Activity and Body Fit Points " , at the Gran Melia Hotel , Jl . Transmitted by Rasuna Said , South Jakarta , and was written on Monday ( 24/02/2014 ) .
Education about the sport , among others, with references mensosialisakin during exercise . Dimaksuda references include the exercise frequency , intensity , duration , and type of exercise should be tailored to the circumstances of each person 's body .
"Everyone is different physically . Consequently the frequency , intensity , duration , and type of exercise is right for each person it is different . Must be adjusted . Do not get us wrong exercise . Kan many cases tuh died after exercising indoor soccer , football , and so on , " said Dr. Ermita .
PT . Amrita Indah Otsuka ( AIO ) , a manufacturer of Pocari Sweat hope this can help educate people , especially those who have made the sport as their lifestyle , to better prepare themselves when exercising in accordance with proper reference .

Often Sit While Crossing Legs? Carefully health hazards

Jakarta , while Sitting cross-legged is a common thing that people often do . Although seemingly harmless , these habits can lead to many health problems later in life . What are the dangers ?
Although commonly done , it sat down cross-legged could threaten the health of the body . This habit is not healthy because it can be classified memyebabkan blood flow becomes slower , increase the burden of the heart , causing varicose veins , and changing posture .
Here are some of the health hazards that lurk behind the habit of crossing her legs , as quoted from Hubpages , Monday ( 24/02/2014 ) :
1 . Danger to the blood flow
Often crossed legs can cause leg circulation becomes poor . As a result , people will be more likely to experience leg cramps , numbness , cold feet , pain , and tired easily . In addition , every part of the body that suffered poor circulation can throw the whole balance of the blood circulation throughout the body .
2 . Danger to heart
Crossing your legs can put pressure on the veins below the knee . It can restrict blood flow and can cause unnecessary burden on the heart .
3 . Danger on the venous
Crossing your legs is known as one of the causes of varicose veins . Veins stand out not only made ​​an appearance to be unattractive , but it can also cause a variety of health problems , including pain in the legs , burning , throbbing , tingling , and or increased fatigue .
4 . Danger on posture
Cross-legged habit can put undue pressure on the hip , spine , and back , which can have a negative effect on your posture .

This Way To Not Dehydration When Running Medium

Jakarta , Lari is known as one of the sport that is easy to do . I wonder if the current run is one sport that started loved many people . Event race even though not an uncommon thing anymore . Has been noted that more than 75 race events held during the year 2013.
dr . Ermita I. Ilyas , Ms , AIFO , an Expert Physician Health and Sports Physiology , assess the positive things . However , dr . Ermita suggest that every runner , let alone a novice runner is said , to better prepare themselves before following the race event .
" There should be a first preparation . Lari it , especially for a beginner , do not be underestimated , " said Dr. Ermita in the event of Pocari Sweat ' Making Physical Activity and Body Fit Points ' , which took place at the Gran Melia Hotel , Jl . Transmitted by Rasuna Said , South Jakarta , and was written on Monday ( 02/24/2014 ) .
According to Dr. Ermita , essential for the preparation of the runners did not experience any problems during and after running . As mentioned problems such as cramping and injury .
Dehydration is one thing that is considered to be the beginning of a cause risk of injury or cramping that will be experienced runners . Moreover , dr . Ermita said that when the body is deprived of fluids ( dehydration ) while running , then it will have an impact on disorders of consciousness , rapid fatigue , even disturbing the performance of the runner .
Statement of Dr. Ermita also justified by Ninit Yunita , a writer who was also a runner in a run community Jakarta . " I never once experienced cramps while running . Maybe it is because less fluid , " said Ninit .
" Get used to practice first . If you are a beginner , start with drinking a regular basis , there should be frequent. Because if it is used, then the body will know where the moments he needed fluids , " advises Dr. Ermita .
Exercise is dr Ermita is a form of simulation that can be done prior to or following the event ran the race . This simulation can be done day-to- day ( in practice ) so that our bodies become accustomed .
Dr. Ermita revealed that runners should pay attention to the things before , during , and after the run . At the time before the run , runners are advised to drink as much as 500-600 ml of water at 2-3 hours before the run begins and 300ml water in 10-15 minutes before the run begins .
At the time of running , try to drink as much as 400-800 ml . According to Dr. Ermita , cold drinks can replace electrolytes lost when dehydrated . However , note also for not too much to drink . Because if it is too much to drink , runners can experience this hiponatermia .
As for after the game , runners are advised to have to hurry to drink water to replace fluids and lost energy . The liquid should contain electrolytes ( sodium and potassium ) and carbohydrates . Fluid replacement should be done within 2 to 4 hours after the match .
" By drinking beverages containing electrolytes , it will be better and more quickly replace fluids lost. Though it could be through food . , But it needs to digest the food first , while not drink , " said Dr. Ermita .

Thursday, February 20, 2014

This is the Importance of Flu Vaccinations for Teens and Adults

Jakarta , Is in adulthood , you never get a flu shot ? If so , blessed are you . However , if you have not been vaccinated against the flu in adulthood , should you ought to be worried . Why ?
A recent study stated , human adolescence and adults who have never been at all getting a flu shot is believed to be at high risk of serious illness .
Doctors at Duke University Medical Center , USA , conducted a study of 55 patients admitted to hospitals when they contracted the flu in the month of November to the first week in January , in other words during the winter . The mean age of patients was 28.5 years .
" Indeed , it is difficult to obtain highly precise results if the study involves only the object with the least amount , " said Dr. Cameron R. Wolfe , an assistant professor of medicine at Duke , USA , commented on his research , as reported by the New York Daily, Friday ( 21/02/2014 ) .
Of the 55 patients, 33 of whom claimed to receive hospice care , where 11 of them admitted to intensive care . However , from the number of patients receiving intensive care , only 2 of them had been vaccinated previously . While others do not . Patients who did not get a flu shot , one of them contracted leukemia , while the remaining contracted hepatitis C.
Many say that the flu vaccination for adolescence to adulthood is no longer needed . Yet look at the research that has been conducted by Dr. Wolfe , a flu shot is very useful for the human body to avoid the risk of serious disease .
" From this study we can still find the results that vaccination is important for the human body . Due useful addition to reducing viral infection , vaccination is also useful to reduce the potential for outbreaks of some diseases , " said Dr. Wolfe .

Antibacterial Clothes It Can Protect the Body from Germ Attack on the Road

Chicago , often taking public transportation and worry about contracting the illness from other passengers ? No need to worry . Now there is an antibacterial clothing specially designed to protect the wearer from exposure to disease while on public transport .
Clothing that is part of a project by Gravitytank innovation , innovation consultant in Chicago . Protective veil that was created consisting of three designs , staying able to protect users from germs carried by another passenger .
During this time , people worry about contracting illness while riding public angutan . Public transport is considered a very vulnerable to germs. " We already know a lot about healthy habits , but there are situations when it is very important effort , namely during rush hour on the train . Few can we do to protect ourselves from the other passengers . " Similarly, exposure to which is written in the project's homepage .
The protection offered including masks equipped with an antibacterial coating to the air filter , which is fitted jacket antibacterial folding gloves so that users do not have to touch the dirty surfaces , and specially designed bag comfortable to use when traffic was congested or jammed .
Clothing that is named Straphanger it also comes with antimicrobial patches on the elbows , a removable and washable . The section was intended to allow the person wearing it can sneeze safely . Not only that , Straphanger designed with a high collar lined with antimicrobial fleece to protect the wearer from illness .
" No need to open the wallet open again . " Similarly, the exposure -related clothing . Straphanger jacket equipped with a hidden pocket that can be used to store public transit passes . As such , people no longer need to reach into your pocket or purse to issue passes .
No more need to worry about the cold air makes the body shiver train or fell ill . The outer layer is made to Straphanger waterproof but porous allowing the skin to breathe . The jacket is designed so that the wearer is protected from the cold .
Straphanger not only protect the wearer , but also other passengers . The jacket is designed with integrated anti- bacterial mask that serves as a filter when the person wearing it was sneezing . Thus the person wearing it need not be afraid of contracting infectious illness or other passengers . The good news , the face mask also has a function as a scarf .
" You may be sick of sick passengers , but let's face it . We all have coughs or colds . Nowadays , pain is not always a reason to stay at home , " said Gravitytank .
What about the bag ? Straphanger bag is designed to have a flat shape so as not to take up a lot of space or interfere when public transport was solid . Bag is also designed to be easily moved to the front of the wearer 's body despite being on public transport - dense .
Sounded perfect worn in Jakarta ? Unfortunately, the current Straphanger merely a concept .

Menopause Mood Make A Mess? Try Overcome with Acupuncture

Jakarta , acupuncture therapy , or acupuncture are proven to reduce pain , headaches , depression , and even to improve the fertility of female or male . Not to stop there , specifically acupuncture can be beneficial for the women you know .
Therefore , there are some health benefits to be gained from acupuncture therapy , especially for post-menopausal women , as quoted from the Health Me Up , Friday ( 02/21/2014 ) the following :
1 . Helps balance moodAcupuncture theory suggests that disturbances in the energy balance of Yin and Yang imbalances can cause hormonal systems that affect mood changes . Therefore , acupuncture is believed to help strengthen and balance the energy so that imbalance mood can be overcome .
2 . Reduce night sweatsExcessive sweating at night or hot flashes according to a scientist in Turkey can be lowered happened with acupuncture . The scientists conducted research that showed 35 percent of hot flashes can be reduced through acupuncture therapy .
3 . Overcoming fatigueHormonal changes in the body -menopausal women most often make women tired for no reason . To overcome this condition , acupuncture can be relied upon to increase energy levels in the body .
4 . Relieves aches and painsWomen who receive acupuncture also reported that therapy can relieve muscle pain . Therefore , this therapy is known to reduce stress and improve blood circulation which naturally releases endorphins as a natural remedy the pain.
5 . Relieve depressionAlong with balance hormones and relieve pain , acupuncture can also reduce the level of depression experienced by menopausal women .