Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Researchers in the U.S. claim Discover New Breakthrough Drugs for Hepatitis C

Texas , long the vaccine for hepatitis C have not been found . And it was so chronic , the only way that can be done to heal only with liver transplantation . However, recently a group of U.S. researchers find new drugs for hepatitis C.

The existence of this new drug gives hope to the more than 200,000 people in the UK are infected with hepatitis C. Because of the many patients , only 3 percent are able to get proper treatment . And that's not necessarily cure the patient fully .

" Current medicines are injections that must be administered continuously for a year and have side effects such as patients become depressed , tired easily and often did not feel well . 's Also not safe for patients with hepatitis C who have cirrhosis , " said lead researcher Dr. Fred Poordad .Homemade oral drug team of researchers from the University of Texas Health Science that claimed to cure 90 percent of patients with hepatitis C in just 12 weeks .The claims come after researchers tested the new drugs involving 380 patients from 78 clinics spread across Spain , Germany , Britain , and the United States in 2013 .

Experiments were performed 2 times , the first one lasted for 12 weeks and the second 24 weeks . Incidentally most of the patients included liver cirrhosis .It turned out that after 12 weeks , 191 of 208 patients declared ' clean ' of hepatitis C. Even in patients who followed a 24-week trial , patients who recovered increased from the initially only 165 people to 172 people , or 96 percent .

" This is really fantastic . I also unhappy with the condition of the patient . Finally they have a future , " said Dr. Fred proud , as quoted detikHealth of the BBC, Tuesday ( 15/04/2014 ) .Dr. Fred added this drug works by preventing the proteins that cause hepatitis C to replicate or proliferate . " In the end the virus is dead , " he added .

But Dr. Fred also suggests these drugs cause side effects in patients such as fatigue , headache and nausea .Although impressed with this new breakthrough , Gkikas Magiorkinis virology expert from the University of Oxford is still in doubt because the study did not mempelihatkan whether the cancer will recover in the long term , when sirosisnya can be fixed or symptoms of liver damage total tends to slow down ." The treatment was also not guarantee the transmission or transmission of hepatitis C in the future will happen again or not , " he added .

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