Sunday, April 6, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Not a Disease, Not a Destination Treatment for Healing

Jakarta , this time , there are still many people who think of cerebral palsy is a disease . Question about ' Can heal ' frequently asked many people , including the parents of children with cerebral palsy.

This was expressed directly by Aldi Wisra , S.Ft , a physiotherapist for special children who need special needs . " It has been often asked is when recovered or whether it can be cured . Fact that's cerebral palsy is not a disease , " said Aldi to detikHealth when met at the Harvest Event Hore held in Casa Goya Residence , Kebun Orange , West Jakarta , and written on Monday ( 07/04/2014 ) .

The word ' cured ' are synonymous and are more related to the disease . That is emphasized by Aldi . Physiotherapists practicing in Walk This Way ( WTW ) Kebun Orange revealed that cerebral palsy is a disorder , so the recovery is not healing like diseases in general .

" Disturbances in cerebral palsy also vary . Someone interrupted in one part of the body , such as the left foot . Treatment was usually not too long . But if that bothered her legs too , so long therapy is different , " he explained .

According to Aldi , the purpose of treatment or therapy that is performed for children with cerebral palsy are more leads to independence . Independence in the sense of preparation for his future life . Not only to move , but also independently to be productive .

" It is not possible parents can always be with them , so yes they should be independent . When they are considered to be independent with a convincing , treatment can really finish , " said Aldi ." The earlier the treatment , the sooner it will be progress and demonstrated their independence , " he said .

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