Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Be careful, Chronic Disease Can Also Spread
Jakarta , Many people are more familiar with the example of chronic diseases as diabetes and heart disease . Though there are several other types of chronic diseases that are not less dangerous , even contagious .By definition , chronic disease is a condition which lasted long . Often to be ' seen ' , this condition must go through a long clinical course .
Moreover , in terms of etiologic factors or causes , chronic disease generally multifaktoral . "It can only be because of stress , other factors , " said Dr. Ikhsan Mokoagow , SpPD , MMedSci , a specialist in internal medicine .It was conveyed in the event Pfizer Class Journalist held in Sere Sweet , Jl H Agus Salim , Jakarta , and was written on Wednesday ( 16/04/2014 ) .
Until now there is no definitive cure for chronic diseases . This is according to Dr. Ikhsan still a major problem for the treatment of chronic disease patients ." Chronic disease is divided into two : non-communicable ( non - communicable ) and infectious ( communicable ) , " said a doctor who completed his specialization studies in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
Chronic non-communicable diseases among them heart disease and blood vessel ( cardiovascular ) ; cancer ; Chronic lung disease (such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ) ; and diabetes ." While chronic infectious diseases including HIV - AIDS and chronic hepatitis . 's Special hepatitis especially hepatitis B and C. Generally occurs imperceptibly and eventually decreased liver function , " said Dr. Ikhsan .
Researchers in the U.S. claim Discover New Breakthrough Drugs for Hepatitis C
Texas , long the vaccine for hepatitis C have not been found . And it was so chronic , the only way that can be done to heal only with liver transplantation . However, recently a group of U.S. researchers find new drugs for hepatitis C.
The existence of this new drug gives hope to the more than 200,000 people in the UK are infected with hepatitis C. Because of the many patients , only 3 percent are able to get proper treatment . And that's not necessarily cure the patient fully .
" Current medicines are injections that must be administered continuously for a year and have side effects such as patients become depressed , tired easily and often did not feel well . 's Also not safe for patients with hepatitis C who have cirrhosis , " said lead researcher Dr. Fred Poordad .Homemade oral drug team of researchers from the University of Texas Health Science that claimed to cure 90 percent of patients with hepatitis C in just 12 weeks .The claims come after researchers tested the new drugs involving 380 patients from 78 clinics spread across Spain , Germany , Britain , and the United States in 2013 .
Experiments were performed 2 times , the first one lasted for 12 weeks and the second 24 weeks . Incidentally most of the patients included liver cirrhosis .It turned out that after 12 weeks , 191 of 208 patients declared ' clean ' of hepatitis C. Even in patients who followed a 24-week trial , patients who recovered increased from the initially only 165 people to 172 people , or 96 percent .
" This is really fantastic . I also unhappy with the condition of the patient . Finally they have a future , " said Dr. Fred proud , as quoted detikHealth of the BBC, Tuesday ( 15/04/2014 ) .Dr. Fred added this drug works by preventing the proteins that cause hepatitis C to replicate or proliferate . " In the end the virus is dead , " he added .
But Dr. Fred also suggests these drugs cause side effects in patients such as fatigue , headache and nausea .Although impressed with this new breakthrough , Gkikas Magiorkinis virology expert from the University of Oxford is still in doubt because the study did not mempelihatkan whether the cancer will recover in the long term , when sirosisnya can be fixed or symptoms of liver damage total tends to slow down ." The treatment was also not guarantee the transmission or transmission of hepatitis C in the future will happen again or not , " he added .
This study Suspect Asthma Can Make Brittle bones
Seoul , Overview respiratory problems had nothing to do with bone health . But apparently a new study finds people who have respiratory problems such as asthma at high risk for bone loss .
This conclusion is obtained research team from Seoul National University Medical Research Center after analyzing the medical records of 7,034 patients . It was found that participants who were diagnosed with asthma have lower bone density than those who do not have asthma , especially in the lower part of the spine ( lumbar spine ) .
Which is a special characteristic of the participants were diagnosed with asthma as well as having low bone density is a phenomenon called ' airway hyperresponsiveness ' . This means that the respiratory tract in the lungs of the patient is very sensitive and can easily happen asthma attacks though the trigger is not so great .The number of patients who have both reached 216 people . 45 percent of them reported having osteopenia or bone density is below normal and 6 percent suffer from osteoporosis (brittle bones ) .Though the group of participants who did not experience ' airway hyperresponsiveness ' , only 30 percent of people who otherwise suffer from osteopenia and osteoporosis four percent .
However, as quoted by Reuters on Tuesday ( 04/15/2014 ) , researchers claimed to not know what the exact reason why this condition could occur . It's just that they suspect steroid use as an asthma medication side effects such as bone loss , including bone fractures .
National Institutes of Health describes steroids can decrease bone formation by preventing the absorption of calcium into the body . Not only that , these kind of drugs also interfere with the production of sex hormones , which in turn causes the muscles to weaken and increase the risk of falls or fractures .
" Suffering with asthma may be at risk of bone loss . Yet the extent to which the risk is still to be studied more in depth , " said Dr. Sonal Singh of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine , Baltimore , Maryland , responded to this study .
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Study: Smoking Relieves Not by Stress , but stop it
Oxford , For some people , smoking is a powerful way to relieve the stress they feel . When in fact , if it wants to be rid of a problem that really is stopped completely from smoking . Well !
Even the results of a review by a group of researchers from the University of Oxford said the benefits of stopping smoking on mood and mental health improvement was as great as taking antidepressant medication .For the purposes of this study , researchers reviewing data from 26 studies on smoking cessation . Some of these special highlight of patients with psychiatric disorders . And researchers noted the average participant could spend 20 cigarettes per day .
All of the participants were asked to quit smoking during the study . Then the researchers compared the mental health of each participant prior to quitting smoking and six months thereafter .
It turns out that , when compared with those who remained keukeuh smoke , a number of studies show a decrease in the level of anxiety , depression , psychological conditions including quality improvement among participants who deign to stop his bad habits .
But some experts pessimistic response to this study . " Some cultures believe smoking ' can calm the nerves ' and help ease the tension a person being trapped in certain situations , " said psychiatrist Benjamin Le Cook of Cambridge Health Alliance , Somerville , Massachusetts .
Moreover, according to Brian Hitsman from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago , can be seen mental health disorder researchers in this study is not actually a real mental disorder , but a symptom of withdrawal or withdrawal after quitting smoking .
" ( But ) that clearly when they quit smoking , they will feel better than when they smoked tobacco . Indeed, when the early stopping , they usually grumpy and irritable , but in fact we 're helping fix their mental state , " said one researcher , Dr. Paul Aveyard told Reuters on Friday ( 04/11/2014 ) .
Aveyard and his colleagues also believe that smokers can be given the understanding that quitting smoking is closely related to mental health improvement .
Be careful, Although It Can Be Treated TB Breast Appears Again
Jakarta , the total healing is most expected by any person affected by any disease , not to mention tuberculosis ( TB ) breast . Effort and ' sacrifice ' made breast in patients taking TB drugs for 6 months more to make them wish that had contracted the disease will never come back again .
But for breast TB patients , is likely to be re- exposed to the same disease still occurs . This is because breast TB is an infectious disease caused by bacteria .
" TB is an infection of the breast is not it , so it may recur again . Once the surgery was already done , " said Dr. Anwar Spb Bahar ( K ) Onk , a different specialist oncology detikHealth when contacted , and written on Friday ( 11/4 / 2014 ) .
Doctor who practiced in London Muhammadiyah Hospital revealed that the possibility of a recurrence of breast TB is actually almost the same as the recurrence of the flu that can infect humans at any time . " If for example, someone with the flu continues to take medication and eventually recovered , and the next he could be right with the flu again . Tuberculosis too. TB is caused by germs that it could indeed continue to attack when the immune system is weak , " he added .
Dr. Bahar added , breast TB can recur due to re- infection in the breast . This may be due to the germs that enter it like one of those places in the breast so that the bacteria can re-infect .
"In medical terms this as a place of predilection , that is a kind of disease that tend to nest in certain places , " he said .
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Cerebral Palsy Not a Disease, Not a Destination Treatment for Healing
Jakarta , this time , there are still many people who think of cerebral palsy is a disease . Question about ' Can heal ' frequently asked many people , including the parents of children with cerebral palsy.
This was expressed directly by Aldi Wisra , S.Ft , a physiotherapist for special children who need special needs . " It has been often asked is when recovered or whether it can be cured . Fact that's cerebral palsy is not a disease , " said Aldi to detikHealth when met at the Harvest Event Hore held in Casa Goya Residence , Kebun Orange , West Jakarta , and written on Monday ( 07/04/2014 ) .
The word ' cured ' are synonymous and are more related to the disease . That is emphasized by Aldi . Physiotherapists practicing in Walk This Way ( WTW ) Kebun Orange revealed that cerebral palsy is a disorder , so the recovery is not healing like diseases in general .
" Disturbances in cerebral palsy also vary . Someone interrupted in one part of the body , such as the left foot . Treatment was usually not too long . But if that bothered her legs too , so long therapy is different , " he explained .
According to Aldi , the purpose of treatment or therapy that is performed for children with cerebral palsy are more leads to independence . Independence in the sense of preparation for his future life . Not only to move , but also independently to be productive .
" It is not possible parents can always be with them , so yes they should be independent . When they are considered to be independent with a convincing , treatment can really finish , " said Aldi ." The earlier the treatment , the sooner it will be progress and demonstrated their independence , " he said .
Press Smokers Starter, England Plan Selling Cigarettes Without Brand
Jakarta , pictorial warnings about the dangers that can be caused by smoking is one way to reduce the number of new smokers . Still not enough , the UK plans to issue regulations governing the order packs of cigarettes are sold without a brand .
Regulations on the sale of cigarette packs without brand previously been applied by Australia in 2012 . In the land of the kangaroo , cigarettes sold in plain packaging without light green brand , while still include pictorial warnings caused by smoking such as cancer of the mouth and lungs .
Jane Ellison , Junior Minister for Public Health England said that the draft law has been published will be ready end of April 2014. The British government argued that the application of this rule will be ready at least next year , with the goal of improving public health and reducing the number of children of smokers .Cyril Chantler , a senior pediatrician and involved in drafting the bill hope that with this law , the number of new smokers among children will decrease .
" The evidence displayed is limited , however, have indicated that direction ( a decrease in the number of new smokers children ) . And I do not find other evidence that refutes it , " said 74 -year -old pediatrician as quoted from Reuters and written on Monday ( 07/04/2014 ) .
Smoking causes the death of 6 million people per year. WHO says that even that number will increase to 8 million people in 2030 . By adopting this legislation , Britain will be the second country in the world and first in Europe that sell cigarettes in plain packs .
The existence of this bill caused a strong reaction from the tobacco industry in the UK . They reasoned that the sales of the brand of cigarettes without violating their intellectual property rights , copyright infringement and of course limit the sale . Philip Morris as one of the world's largest cigarette industry also issued a statement.
" The government should not rush to process the bill without doing a full assessment as they promised . Wrap cigarette plain does not decrease the number of smokers , did not deter new smokers and lead to a sharp increase in sales of black market cigarettes , " as quoted from Reuters .
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